Some Say 6/6/06 Is a Day of the Devil. Perhaps I Should Have Waited To Have Surgery
First an update on our kid.

He’s doing ok. We’d like to thank ACW’s cats for doing whatever it is that cats do for other cats. Though a wound on his right paw keeps opening up and bleeding all over. I’d take pictures of our carpet, but I’m just too tired.

And presently, incapable of cleaning it up.
Back to me. Memememememe. Remember my knee thing? I finally manned up and had it fixed on Tuesday. I think. They cut that bitch up.

And shaved my genitals.
Not sure why, but at least I know they did something to my knee. Ooh, and I’m silky smooth.
And now that I’m home, not sure what to do. ‘Cept pop pills.
Should this not “work out”, I’d like to donate my blog to The Children’s Hospital.

He’s doing ok. We’d like to thank ACW’s cats for doing whatever it is that cats do for other cats. Though a wound on his right paw keeps opening up and bleeding all over. I’d take pictures of our carpet, but I’m just too tired.

And presently, incapable of cleaning it up.
Back to me. Memememememe. Remember my knee thing? I finally manned up and had it fixed on Tuesday. I think. They cut that bitch up.

And shaved my genitals.
Not sure why, but at least I know they did something to my knee. Ooh, and I’m silky smooth.
And now that I’m home, not sure what to do. ‘Cept pop pills.
Should this not “work out”, I’d like to donate my blog to The Children’s Hospital.