I'd Have Taken Pictures During the Making of This, But Sneaky Bitch Snatch, We're a Family Blog
Well, my first is complete. Yup. She was a beyaatch. But it was worth it. It’s kinda like purchasing your first home.
Speaking of which, my first is complete. Yup. She was a beyaatch. But it was worth it. A little work on the sprinkler system and some landscaping is needed, like many of my exes, but all should be completed by the time my new, unsuspecting renters move in at the beginning of the month.
Here are a few pictures of my new offspring. I shall call her, ‘Chloe.’

Looking from where the man will spend most of his time to where the woman will spend most of her time. Or, from East to West.

A closet. For coats. And immigrants.

Looking from where the woman will spend most of her time to where the man will spend most of his time. Or, from West to East. See the connection?

It's like a looking up the stairs of a Burlesque House. Only the bathrooms are cleaner. Uh. . .so we hear.

A view from the front porch. Where he will 'take' her for the first time as they watch the neighbors come home from picking up the kids a school.
Speaking of which, my first is complete. Yup. She was a beyaatch. But it was worth it. A little work on the sprinkler system and some landscaping is needed, like many of my exes, but all should be completed by the time my new, unsuspecting renters move in at the beginning of the month.
Here are a few pictures of my new offspring. I shall call her, ‘Chloe.’

Looking from where the man will spend most of his time to where the woman will spend most of her time. Or, from East to West.

A closet. For coats. And immigrants.

Looking from where the woman will spend most of her time to where the man will spend most of his time. Or, from West to East. See the connection?

It's like a looking up the stairs of a Burlesque House. Only the bathrooms are cleaner. Uh. . .so we hear.

A view from the front porch. Where he will 'take' her for the first time as they watch the neighbors come home from picking up the kids a school.