Like many living species, our time in the frozen tundra of Halifax was short lived. I got in. I slept. I made myself a sandwich. I got the fu*k out. A one-night-stand of frozen, business-like proportions.
Back on the plane and where do we end up? A place of cleansing. A city of healing. A chance to rid yourself of your sins, your tears, and your fears of über busty Dutch women pressing themselves up against the windows.
Welcome to Amsterdam. An opportunity to forget about the multiple interrogations and confiscation of business paraphernalia at the Canadian border and an open invitation to, well, pretty much do any Goddamn thing you’d like.

Leaving the relative moral safety of the Centraal Train Station.

One of several bridges into the Red Light District. Where the magic happens.

For a good occular molestation, you can't help but feel dirty after walking through this block.
We wish you a Good, Disease-Free, Bulky-Breasted, Intoxicating Scent-Filled Friday.
Back on the plane and where do we end up? A place of cleansing. A city of healing. A chance to rid yourself of your sins, your tears, and your fears of über busty Dutch women pressing themselves up against the windows.
Welcome to Amsterdam. An opportunity to forget about the multiple interrogations and confiscation of business paraphernalia at the Canadian border and an open invitation to, well, pretty much do any Goddamn thing you’d like.
Leaving the relative moral safety of the Centraal Train Station.
One of several bridges into the Red Light District. Where the magic happens.
For a good occular molestation, you can't help but feel dirty after walking through this block.
We wish you a Good, Disease-Free, Bulky-Breasted, Intoxicating Scent-Filled Friday.