Rarely does such a bright idea pop into my mind, that when one does, I usually disregard it secondary to her lack of experience with fresh produce and inadequate knowledge of farm equipment. Or, I blog about it.
A quick audit of this "blog" failed to yield any such examples, so we’ll officially introduce this as my first non-sucky idea in almost 30 years.
Both of you have undoubtedly heard of Father’s Day. One of you may have even unexpectedly received your first Father’s Day car this year. Or not. Good luck with that whole thing. But what do you get the Dad that pretty much has it all, except his dream car?
A Play Station with Gran Turismo 4?
Wash his rental car?
A pony?
All adequate ideas in their own special, American way. We do you one betta’. Mo’ betta’.

A 90% all-expense paid, surprise round-trip from the States to Leipzig, Germany. Home to the certified test-track of Porsche. And an ideal place to find Germans who actually know how to drive one.

And, who are willing to teach an American the basics of how to race one. Don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?

Were there alternative motives behind this? Most certainly not I can’t believe you would ask such a thing. Though since you asked, it does appear that I’ll remain the only child. And since I’m their (parents) favourite, with a 50% chance of outliving them, I may or may not be the sole beneficiary of a Will that might someday therein contain ownership details of a Porsche. Hypothetically.

Does this get me off the hook for all the silly shit I did and decades of headaches, stress and financial strain I caused as a child? Not. Even. Close. But it’s a start, Ja?
Dear Dad,
I don’t know about you, but I had one helluva memorable time. Also, sorry you had to fly such a long distance for only a few days.
Now, can I have a pony?
A quick audit of this "blog" failed to yield any such examples, so we’ll officially introduce this as my first non-sucky idea in almost 30 years.
Both of you have undoubtedly heard of Father’s Day. One of you may have even unexpectedly received your first Father’s Day car this year. Or not. Good luck with that whole thing. But what do you get the Dad that pretty much has it all, except his dream car?
A Play Station with Gran Turismo 4?
Wash his rental car?
A pony?
All adequate ideas in their own special, American way. We do you one betta’. Mo’ betta’.
A 90% all-expense paid, surprise round-trip from the States to Leipzig, Germany. Home to the certified test-track of Porsche. And an ideal place to find Germans who actually know how to drive one.
And, who are willing to teach an American the basics of how to race one. Don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
Were there alternative motives behind this? Most certainly not I can’t believe you would ask such a thing. Though since you asked, it does appear that I’ll remain the only child. And since I’m their (parents) favourite, with a 50% chance of outliving them, I may or may not be the sole beneficiary of a Will that might someday therein contain ownership details of a Porsche. Hypothetically.
Does this get me off the hook for all the silly shit I did and decades of headaches, stress and financial strain I caused as a child? Not. Even. Close. But it’s a start, Ja?
Dear Dad,
I don’t know about you, but I had one helluva memorable time. Also, sorry you had to fly such a long distance for only a few days.
Now, can I have a pony?