“Welcome to Buenos Aires, where the local time is 9:14 am. Blahblahblahsomethingsomethingblahblahblah. We regret to inform you that the ground crew is on strike and there will be no unloading of your luggage. We expect them to return to work at 14:00 this afternoon. Should you choose to do so, you may wait in the airport until then. Otherwise, it is your responsibility to return to the airport to retrieve your belongings. We thank you for flying United and wish you a pleasant stay in Argentina.”
Having no toothbrush or clean drawers, I find my driver, and settle in for a long, rush-hour commute through the flooded cluster-fu*k the locals call Mucho Traffico.
Having no toothbrush or clean drawers, I find my driver, and settle in for a long, rush-hour commute through the flooded cluster-fu*k the locals call Mucho Traffico.